Mac Migration Blues

So while my 2015 iMac hasn't really been feeling old, I've been a bit concerned about its SSD, although Disk Utility shows it as healthy. However, after a bout of apparent overheating a couple of weeks ago — solved by blowing dust out of the interior — I found out that it could be traded in for a few hundred dollars with Apple, and probably more to a third party. The net cost, then, for a new 2019 iMac was too good to pass up, so I bit the bullet and ordered one, built to order with the fastest CPU for that model (iMac Pros can be faster) and a 1 TB SSD.

It arrived yesterday, and I used Migration Assistant to copy from the old iMac to the new iMac. (Most of my files are on external drives.)

Unfortunately, I soon found out that my login keychains didn't migrate properly, and when I went into Keychain Access, I couldn't change passwords for the keychains themselves. Some digging on the web shows that this is a problem with keychains and recent updates to macOS Mojave, so it's not necessarily a migration issue, but migration certainly doesn't help.

It looks like I'm in for a long haul of re-entering passwords whenever I access something (like my hosting service).