I guess I need to return to this blog.
Okay. James is in college, and William is finishing his senior year.
I went to Nagoya last summer for the 2023 ICRC, and in the few days I was there, my weight ballooned to well over 265 pounds. I had to buy new pants and shirts.
My family physician wanted to put me on injectable weight loss drugs, but it took forever to get permission from the health insurance company. I decided to start working with a physical trainer and a nutritionist. I've since lost over 15 pounds, so that's working without the drugs.
In February, I had a bad bike accident. No bones were broken, luckily, but I landed very hard on my left arm, mostly the elbow, and by the time I got home, the soft tissues were swollen and agonizing. I went to urgent care and got x-rays (no broken bones), and they put me in a splint and sling. After a couple of days, they were removed, but my arm was still in pretty bad shape. I decided to start re-visiting my physical therapist at short intervals to get it worked on and speed the healing and recovery. (I had previously worked with her on a left knee injury and right shoulder-cuff injury.)