Japanese food
Take-out dinner at

is trying to eat California rolls with a
has always liked edamame.We have
yet another school visit tomorrow morning for William, then back to My Gym later
in the morning. I have one more form to fill out for one of William's
applications; the form is an "optional" parental statement. I hate writing
of the STEREO spacecraft suffered a glitch earlier this week. Rick L. and I
looked at the data, to try to narrow down the investigation, and during a
telemetry pass today, Rick C. sent a command that sent back down a partial data
dump that allowed him to identify some buffer pointers as being out of whack.
He reset the buffers, and everything is probably fine now. However, he still
has to investigate the onboard software to find out of it's a
bug.Work for me has been progressing
I went back to the track in the middle of the afternoon today. My 2 mile runs
are usually half walking and half jogging. Today, I managed a mile and a
quarter of jogging and only three quarters of a mile walking. I'll keep
pushing.Unfortunately, I haven't lost
any real weight since the beginning of the year, when I started walking and then
recently gotten a craving for listening to classic (not Classical) songs, and I
downloaded a bunch of Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett songs off iTunes.
Surprisingly, my copy of "New York, New York" was from a Tony Bennett album. I
had always thought of "New York, New York" as a Sinatra song, but I couldn't
find a Sinatra version on iTunes.
Posted: Fri - January 19, 2007 at 11:28 PM