Random notes
Just a regular weekend... well, except
for the school play date.
William had his third play date yesterday. This
school is interesting because it is the only school on our current list (which
doesn't include parochial schools
yet --
that starts next week) that has an explicit religious affiliation (Catholic
independent). In our haste to get through applications through the holidays, we
ended up missing a few open houses at this school, so we were going there kind
of cold (uninformed), though we already know some families with kids there.
Actually, it's because we're impressed with those families and those kids that
we're applying.Anyway, I came away
favorably impressed not only with the facilities we saw during our visit but
also their well-thought-out disciplinary methods. Hsuan came away a bit
was also James' first try-out at My Gym, to see if he enjoyed it. Lots of other
toddlers there. Not a whole lot of attention-span from any of them, but the
toddlers and parents seemed to enjoy it. James enjoyed it enough that we signed
him up for the rest of this
session.William also attended the
morning class, but that class skews significantly younger and less mature than
William, so we'll probably move him back to Wednesday evenings. If it weren't
for the facts that he enjoys it so much and that it provides a more relaxed
counterbalance to Tae Kwon Do, we'd probably have stopped bringing him to My
Gym. I think kids tend to outgrow My Gym around kindergarten age, though they
have offerings for older kids in
Mass this morning and lunch after noon, we visited the park for a little
baseball catching for William and some play structure for James. William
contented himself with chasing ground balls for about twenty minutes. After
going home and putting the boys down for their naps, I took Bessie out for a two
mile walk. Despite my conscientious exercising for the past three weeks, I've
not only been
losing weight, but I actually gained a couple of pounds. I may have to switch
back to bicycling, but then I'd lose the data-logging that the Nike+ iPod sensor
before lunch, I entertained the boys with a slideshow of our recent trip to
Disney World, complete with Disney
music.I also spent a good part of
the late afternoon trying to fix the garage door. It has been sticking for the
past few weeks, making me have to get out of the Odyssey in the mornings to pull
it closed. I tried looking for where it was sticking, but I couldn't find it.
So, I just sprayed the hell out of the garage door, railings, wheels, and the
opener/closer chain with WD-40, and that seems to have done the
Posted: Sun - January 21, 2007 at 08:38 PM