Busy day...

and up late last night.

I was up late last night, ferreting out bugs in my STEREO data analysis code. I finally figured out, among other things, that my code uses 23.9 microns for the nominal thickness for some solid state detectors, while the onboard software uses 24.0 microns. That's one number out of maybe a thousand lines, give or take, in one of my programs. (My number was based on an e-mail from 2005. The onboard software number was last noted in an e-mail from October 2006...)

Despite being up late last night (I think around 3 AM), I couldn't sleep past about 9:30 AM this morning. Sunlight and all.

James had his third My Gym class today. Since my legs are feeling much better, I went on the floor with him, while Hsuan watched William and took him to Target for a little diversion. The girl in the photos above is Alondra, one of the My Gym teachers whom we've known ever since William started there. (Photos taken with my cell phone.)

After the class, we walked to Round Table Pizza for a little lunch, and then we returned to My Gym for a party sponsored by Huggies. Basically, it was sort of like free play for the kids. It started off slow, but gradually more kids showed up. I was getting concerned that William was being rather careless around the younger kids, and I had to give him a serious talk before we left.

The boys had a haircut appointment today, followed by shopping for shoes. Although William's shoe size hasn't increased, his shoes have been pretty seriously worn, so it was time. Dinner at the mall preceded a tense drive home, as the fountain Coca-Cola that I had at dinner seemed to have given me a case of impending diarrhea. (It seems to happen when restaurants mix too much Coke syrup with not enough carbonated water.)

I hate LA traffic. Luckily, I have a really strong sphincter. Yeah, don't laugh or sneer -- you've been through it, too.

Speaking of traffic, I've sometimes thought of getting one of those GPS systems with traffic warning service included, but I'm never sure if those services give adequate directions -- traffic-wise -- through surface streets. Just because the highways may be jammed doesn't mean surface streets will get me home faster.


Red marks on the television are James' artwork. William never took markers or crayons and wrote on walls or furniture. Of course, when William was that age, he had our undivided attention. James does these things when nobody is looking.

Luckily, all children's markers are washable nowadays.

Posted: Sat - February 3, 2007 at 12:14 AM          
