Getting worn down

Another day in single father mode, but at least I got back to jogging.

To keep myself from having to get up a lot at night, I brought both boys to bed with me. William slept like a log, but James would periodically wake up crying and kicking, so I got tired just trying not to be awakened by a kick to the head or face.

At work, I was so tired that I took a brief nap for the first half of lunch, skipping the actual meal, and then I went to the gym to jog a bit around the track and get my circulation going again. I managed a mile of jogging and a mile of walking, and my knees seemed to be comfortable. I considered just a mile total, followed on by a bike ride, but I stuck with jogging around the track.

This evening, after picking up the boys at daycare, I drove us straight to My Gym for William's class. It ended at 7 PM, at which time we passed by McDonalds to bring dinner home. I had to be pretty strict in maintaining discipline this evening, and James was pretty upset at bath time. Fortunately, he was cooperative in going to bed. It looks like I may have to take over James' bathing entirely, and keep putting him to bed myself as well.

Posted: Wed - February 7, 2007 at 11:50 AM          
