Another late night

Home/family work, not work-work.

I'm up late again, as usual, at 1 AM. The rest of my family is asleep in the boys' room. William and James are asleep in their beds. Bessie is asleep under William's bed. Hsuan is snoring, loudly, on the floor next to James' bed. A Man for All Seasons is playing on one of my computers, drowning out the snoring sound coming from across the hall.

I'm up late again to go over family finances. Bills, mostly. I just cleared my desk of over a week's worth of junk mail, much of which I shredded, and after my shredder basket was full, I burned the shreddings in the fireplace. Frankly, I hate physical junk mail even more than I hate spam, which my filters get rid of more easily.

Frustratingly, under and inside the pile of junk mail, I found some lost bills that I had been searching for and had assumed were late in the mail. A couple of them are slightly overdue. This sort of thing that drives me nuts nowadays. The problem is not lack of funds to pay the bills but lack of time to get around to paying them, and despite the fact that Quicken reminds me that certain bills are due. But, between work, family time, and other duties, I haven't gone over finances for at least a couple of weeks.

I'll get back to this blog after finishing tonight's work...


4:15 AM Okay, I'm done. Hsuan woke up briefly to watch some Sunday night TV that we have recorded on TiVo. James woke up briefly while she was watching TV, but I got to him quickly and gave him a sippy cup of juice to help him get back to sleep. After watching a couple of shows, Hsuan went back to bed in our bedroom instead of the boys' bedroom. She's snoring there now.

Meanwhile, I worked on our expense notebook, bills, car registration, Quicken entries, and a bank statement to reconcile. There are still some investment account statements to go through -- not to mention taxes -- but the immediate needs are taken care of. It was only a couple of pages in the notebook (in which we write out our expenses by hand before I enter them in Quicken), but there were also some paycheck issues to run down. It never seems like much when I get started, but running through several weeks worth of expenses, bills, and statements always seems to take hours.

Online banking helps a lot.


William has his Tae Kwon Do test next weekend, and yesterday, just before Hsuan took James to My Gym, I took William to a Saturday Tae Kwon Do class, because he missed his usual Thursday class when Hsuan's plane got delayed. (I had to prepare for the daycare center Board meeting that evening, so I couldn't bring him myself.)

While at the Saturday class, I used the Canon PowerShot A700 to take photos and video, so I could try to remember William's forms.

In the photo, Master P. brought William to the front of the class as he frequently does to make him an example of discipline, seriousness, and so on. He also spent a lot of time talking to the class about character, plus his story (which he tells often) of how he started teaching Tae Kwon Do decades ago in a bad part of town, where he'd often have to throw drunkards out of his school. (Occasionally, those drunks would try to provoke a fight... not brilliant.)


Sunday afternoon, one of James' friends from daycare had a birthday party and play date in a park in Alhambra. We were invited, so we all went, including William. In the photo, Hsuan is sitting with James while he eats some pizza. Other parents and kids are all over the place.

Posted: Mon - February 19, 2007 at 04:37 AM          
