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Statistics Total entries in this blog: Total entries in this category: Published On: Aug 05, 2007 08:38 AM | A quick, short trip to Disneyland
Searching for a birthday
After Mass this morning, we went to Disneyland
for the afternoon. It's been a while since we've been there, and I had an
ulterior motive -- to get one or two more birthday presents for William.
William's birthday is coming up, and soon he'll be a yellow belt and going off
to kindergarten. The sentimental part of me gets all choked up about William
growing up so fast. (James is growing up fast, too, so don't get me started on
that.)Anyway, when I asked William
what he wanted for his birthday, he replied that he wanted more Buzz Lightyear
toys. Now, I can buy Buzz Lightyear toys online, but one thing that always
struck me is his reaction to the toy and souvenir store at the end of the Buzz
Lightyear Astroblasters ride at Disneyland. I assume all parents know the
feeling of watching their little kids going around a toy store and wanting,
desiring, craving, coveting the things they see. In that Buzz Lightyear store,
William has wanted a "robotic rescue arm" (grabber) toy since the very first
time he rode the ride, and he's wanted figure sets, toy guns, and lots of other
things from the store. I've always resisted buying those things, relatively
easily, because we've already got tons of toys, and we always get more on
birthdays and Christmas.However, the
sentimental part of me has the frugal part of me in a choke hold, saying this
may be the last time I can really touch the toddler and preschooler in William
before he goes off into the rough and tumble, wild kingdom of
kindergarten.So, we went to
Disneyland. We got in just before noon, and the park was already pretty crowded
for a relatively cool, somewhat overcast day. Apart from a brief stop to listen
to the Disneyland Band, our whole afternoon was basically spent in Tomorrowland,
watching the Jedi Training Academy show, having lunch, riding Autopia, visiting
Innoventions, riding Buzz Lightyear (only twice), and riding the Astro Orbiter
ride (Hsuan and William only). When we passed by the Buzz Lighyear store, I
asked William what he'd like for his birthday, and he basically pointed out one
of everything. Then I asked what he wanted if he could have only one toy, and
he pointed out one for this birthday, one for his next... I shooed William and
Hsuan off to the Astro Orbiter ride, pausing a while to share a churro with
James while watching the Jedi Academy show, and then I bought the grabber and a
wrist communicator for
William. James
listens to the Disneyland
Band. William
drives at Autopia.It drizzled
once, as we were having lunch, and dinner at Downtown Disney was outdoors, where
the food was fast but the weather was chilly. We got home before 7:30
already got William one birthday present -- Rock'em Sock'em robots. Dan sent a
cool present, too, though I'm keeping it under wraps until the birthday. We've
gotten affirmative RSVPs for William's party from a decent handful of people,
enough not to cancel the party. However, there are a few scatterbrains (or
people on vacation) who have failed to RSVP in either the affirmative or
is driving me nuts. I'm trying to upgrade my rate plan online, but their web
site doesn't play nice with Macs and Safari. When I e-mailed them to complain
(and state that I'd never use Windows), they replied with instructions on how to
use Internet Explorer, which is no longer supported on Macs.
Brilliant.To top things off, I haven't
gotten GPRS access on my cell phone since Friday. Something is going on at
Cingular, the New AT&T.
Posted: Sun - February 25, 2007 at 11:40 PM |