Finished the DVD
I finally finished the DVD of our Disney World
vacation from November 2004, and I made a couple of master copies onto
dual-layer DVD+R's. It's not as polished as the DVD for the first Disney World
Vacation, but it does include almost 4 hours of video, compared to the <2
hours of video from the first
one.Apple really needs to get a high
definition version of iDVD out, but it's not Apple's fault that the
HD-DVD/Blu-ray format war hasn't been settled. What this means is that I can
see all sorts of video compression artifacts on some portions of the video when
played on our high-def plasma TV, even though our DVD player is an up-converting
player. Of course, the original video itself is standard-definition, which is
the main problem for this DVD, but I have a new high definition camcorder just
waiting to send video to a high definition
disc.Because of space-considerations,
I didn't load up the DVD with a slide show, though I included three photos to
the menu pages that really characterize the vacation for me. Here they
stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge, with a savannah view. Every morning, I got
up early to watch the African animals being
were dozens of character meet-and-greet opportunities, but this one stands out
with William hugging King Louie. About a dozen people gathered to watch.
(Ed: Contrast this with James at 2
years old: James would likely be terrified of King Louie and hit him on the
snout. AWL
the Festival of the Lion King show remains one of my favorites at the Animal
Kingdom, then the Affection Section petting zoo probably remains one of
William's favorites.The other thing I
like about these photos is that they show off how spectacular the Canon Digital
Rebel can be. Although the photos are displayed at much-reduced size, you can
right-click to download them to full size, full-resolution.
Posted: Tue - May 1, 2007 at 01:04 AM