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Statistics Total entries in this blog: Total entries in this category: Published On: Aug 05, 2007 08:38 AM | Vacation, Day 7
Disney MGM second visit, Magic Kingdom
third visit
A Park Hopper day, and again, no HV20 for the
day. We arrived at Disney MGM at 10 AM. This was William’s choice for
the day. He wanted to see Indiana Jones, the Lights, Motors, Action show, and
Beauty and the Beast. We first caught the 10:45 AM Beauty and the Beast show.
Then we quickly went to the 11:30 AM showing of Lights, Motors, Action!
We had a bit of a break before the 2
PM showing of Indiana Jones, so we had lunch at Pizza Planet. William wanted to
play the video
games. Eventually,
I let William play this circus target-shooting
game.After catching the 2 PM
Indiana Jones, we viewed the end of Disney MGM’s daily parade as we waited
near the entrance to the park around 3 PM (while James had his diaper changed in
the baby care center there). We took the bus back to the Grand Floridian for
naps and Sugar Loaf’s snacks in our room. Meanwhile, I spent time
exploring the resort grounds for pool locker rooms and showers: Our departing
flight for 5/30 is for 7:20 PM, with a Magical Express pickup around 4:25 PM.
With late-checkout no later than 1 PM, we’d have to spend part of the
afternoon in one of the parks, meaning I’d be sweaty and tired for the
flight. Concierge staff suggested I could freshen up in the locker room showers
near a pool. I found the locker room shower by the Beach Pool, then I returned
to the courtyard poolside bar for a strawberry daiquiri before returning to the
room.At 7 PM, we were back at the
Magic Kingdom. Our first stop was Toontown, where William agreed to ride the
Barnstormer at Goofy’s Wiseacre Farm. I’ve been trying to get
William onto a kiddie coaster for a long time, but he’s always been so
scared. My intention is that he’ll eventually be less scared of the
rides, opening up a lot more entertainment possibilities than we currently
enjoy. He rode with Hsuan, who reported that he was very scared at first, but
once the ride was over, he wasn’t scared and was, in fact, quite proud of
himself.Meanwhile, I took James to
Mickey’s house in Toontown, and then we visited Mickey Mouse in the
Judge’s Tent for a meet’and’greet. Again, James not only
wasn’t scared of Mickey but walked up to Mickey all by himself, while I
crouched next to the Photopass photographer and stayed out of the picture.
Adorable. James,
near Mickey's garden, with Mickey Mouse shaped
pumpkins. James'
first visit, solo, with Mickey
Mouse.After a quick stop by the
bathroom, I rode Barnstormer with William.
Twice!Rather than fight the crowds in
front of the Castle and in Main Street, we camped out with much fewer people in
Liberty Square for the 10 PM Wishes fireworks, and our view of the show was
shockingly, stunningly
good! Waiting
for the fireworks in Liberty
Square. Our
view was surprisingly good.After
the fireworks, we rode Haunted Mansion, which was very close to our viewing area
anyway, and there were hardly any people on the ride. We then headed for the
exits, hoping that crowds would stay for the 11 PM Spectromagic parade. As we
sat near the entrance (James got a diaper change with Hsuan at the restroom), I
noticed a steady stream of people apparently attempting to escape the park
early, as we were. It looked to me like it would be a toss-up whether there
would be long lines at the monorail, before or after the
parade.As the parade got started, I
noticed cast members had to start regulating guest traffic out of the park,
because their pathway crossed the parade pathway. Therefore, I timed our
departure to just a little while before I expected a batch of people to be let
through the parade. We ended up catching a boat at 11:15 PM to the Grand
Floridian, which ended up being faster and more direct than the monorail. Plus,
there were only a handful of people on the
boat. On
the boat back to the Grand Floridian.
Posted: Tue - May 29, 2007 at 10:34 PM |