Vacation, Day 8

Magic Kingdom fourth visit, then the flight home

Woke up around 8:30 AM. Hsuan and boys woke up somewhat later. After finishing with the packing and having a little breakfast, we called the bell service, and the bellman brought us and our luggage (including carryon backpacks) to the airline remote check-in desk near the front of the hotel. There was a hiccup as usual due to James' being on a separate reservation number and having a mile-based upgrade to first class. Eventually, we just got our luggage checked in and then went indoors to check into the flight ourselves via the web at the Concierge desk.

That completed, we returned to Sugar Loaf to gather the rest of our stuff, check out of the hotel, and then head out to the Magic Kingdom one last time. The final hotel bill was almost exactly as I expected, just a little over $600. We didn't spend so much on incidentals this time.

The Grand Floridian as seen from the monorail near the Magic Kingdom.

We arrived at the Magic Kingdom by monorail shortly after 11 AM. Got a fast pass to Buzz Lightyear for 11:55 AM, so we first stopped by the Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor, and then we rode the Tomorrowland Transit Authority Blue Line. We then used the fast pass to ride Buzz Lightyear.

Afterward, we headed out to Toontown so that William and I could ride Barnstormer one last time. While we were in line, Hsuan and James went off to get fast passes to Peter Pan, but since the Peter Pan fast pass return time was well after we expected to leave, they got Winnie the Pooh fast passes instead.

After Barnstormer, we all visited Minnie's house to visit Pluto for a character meet and greet. James is definitely not afraid of the characters any more, so he'll have more to do at Disneyland later. After Pluto, we revisited the Judges' Tent so that William could also visit Mickey Mouse.

William, James, and Pluto.

Mickey, James, and William.

Then we went to Fantasyland to ride Winnie the Pooh and the Carrousel one last time.

James on the Carrousel.

William on the Carrousel.

On the way out, we stopped in Main Street for some lunch and ice cream (for William). A quick stop by the baby care center for James and William followed, and then we left the Magic Kingdom for the last time this vacation.

We took a boat back to the Grand Floridian. Apparently our keys still worked for the day, but regardless, Hsuan got into Sugar Loaf when someone else went in. They were serving afternoon tea. I went with William to pick up our carryon bags, brought William back to Sugar Loaf (where I used my own key to enter), and then went by myself to the Men's locker room at the Beach Pool for a quick freshening-up shower and to change into fresh clothes for the flight home. The water in the shower was not heated, but I made do.

The Grand Floridian, as seen from the boat.

Hsuan and the boys were in the Gasparilla Grill playing video games when I got back.

We were picked up by the Magical Express around 4:25 PM and went straight to the Orlando International Airport. Everything continued to go smoothly. The plane took off at 7:20 PM or so, and we enjoyed the relative comfort of first class for the long flight home. The flight attendants were funny, very helpful, and very nice. James slept on me or in his chair for much of the flight. William mostly played my PSP. At one point, I had to ask the flight attendant for urgent permission to use the bathroom when the seat belt signs were lit, but she ok'd me to go.

James, perusing an in-flight catalog on the plane.

Landed at LAX at 9:00 PM. Headache and back ache; Hsuan and I took Tylenol. Shuttle to the Marriott. Picked up the car and drove us all home before 11 PM.

Posted: Wed - May 30, 2007 at 10:36 PM          
