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Statistics Total entries in this blog: Total entries in this category: Published On: Aug 05, 2007 08:38 AM | Happy Fathers Day
In celebration of Fathers Day, we went to
Disneyland this morning. My motivation was, of course, to spend time with my
family doing something fun. William wanted to ride the new Finding Nemo
Submarine ride. The ride opened last week, and reports were that, on opening
day, the lines were five hours long. I wanted to arrive at 8 AM, when the park
opened, but we had some delays. First off, I went to sleep late last night, as
usual. Second, our master bathroom toilet seems to have a weird partial clog
that we've not been able to unclog fully even as late as this morning. Plus,
early mornings always make me irregular, which meant I spent rather a lot of
time in the (other) bathroom this
morning.The upshot is that we arrived
at the Disneyland parking structure just before 9 AM, and we arrive at the
Finding Nemo line around 9:20 AM. By then, the line was already stretching from
Tomorrowland, past Fantasyland, and heading toward It's a Small World. We got
in line and estimated at least a two and a half hour wait. So, rather than
subject the boys to the wait, Hsuan waited in line while I brought them to ride
Buzz Lightyear. Then, we rode
Autopia. William
drives, while James and I ride
along.Finally, at 11 AM, I brought
William and James to the Pizza Port for lunch. We found Hsuan in the Finding
Nemo line around 11:30 AM, at which time I switched places with her. She
brought the boys to the baby care center for a potty break and diaper change,
and then she brought them to Innoventions. I stayed with the line, and as it
reached its last leg, I radioed Hsuan to bring the boys back to the
line. The
subs, as seen from the line.We
finally got on the ride just before 1 PM. Was the 12 minute ride worth the
three and a half hour wait? I won't say, other than to say that we're not going
on the ride again until the lines diminish and Disneyland establishes Fast Pass
access to the
attraction. James
waves to the fish.Even though I
was in line for only an hour and a half, the two hours I spent chaperoning the
boys by myself combined with the hour and a half in line to exhaust me. After
the ride, we sat at a table as the boys had some frozen lemonade snacks, and I
ended up dozing off at the table. Then, we went back into Innoventions, and
while the boys played computer games, I tried to take a nap at one gaming
station again.We finally decided
simply to go home around 3 PM. The boys napped in the car, and when we got
home, as I carried him from the car to the house, William woke up and asked me
"Where's Daddy?" That's being tired. The boys napped in their bedroom. I
napped on the couch in the family room. Hsuan tried unclogging the
didn't give out flowers or anything to fathers today, but cast members said kind
words for fathers at various locations, which was nice
night, I grilled up some steak and shrimp for dinner, with mushrooms, zucchini,
and white corn on the cob. This evening, I pan seared some scallops along with
sauteed mushrooms and asparagus.
Posted: Sun - June 17, 2007 at 12:04 AM |