End of Year Party, and William's Graduation from Preschool

Practically the end of his preschool days, though not quite yet.

The daycare center had its end-of-year party today, and the kids who are going off to kindergarten had their graduation ceremony, complete with songs and preschool diplomas. The graduation marks the end of William's preschool days -- although we'll be keeping him in the daycare center for the rest of the summer, until kindergarten begins. Although William's new school offers summer camp activities, we want to keep William and James together as much as possible. Other kids will likely stay at the daycare center for the summer as well.

In fact, a lot of the graduating 5-year-olds have younger siblings in the school, and while some families will leave entirely, we'll still be seeing much of the same families still there. In talking with other parents, I noticed that conversation was not sentimental about leaving the daycare center but, if anything, worried about what kindergarten will bring.

The cake was remarkable, with each graduating child's name written in the frosting. Each child got his named piece, to share with family. (Caledonia and her family were unable or unavailable to attend the party, so they didn't have to eat their piece of cake.)

For his part, James seemed to enjoy the food and the people.

Posted: Fri - June 22, 2007 at 12:55 AM          
