First iPhone photos

Less to carry around.

Having spent a few days with my iPhone, I've concluded that it's not an exact replacement for my Palm. So, I still carry my Palm, albeit in my backpack rather than in my shirt pocket (now occupied by the iPhone). Though the iPhone stores contacts and calendar appointments, makes calls, checks e-mail, surfs the web, etc., it doesn't store information or do calculations like the Palm Tungsten E2 and the Palm software I've loaded on it. I particularly need the information storage.

Of course, I have stopped using my old Sony Ericsson T637 cell phone -- the iPhone is much better at making calls and so on.

Also, I'm leaving my 60 GB iPod Photo at home. While its capacity is much greater, I simply don't listen to that much music on any given day.

However, one thing the iPhone provides that I seldom carry (despite this photoblog) is a camera. My old cell phone had a camera, but it's a crappy camera. The iPhone camera is nicer -- though it's still nowhere as nice as a dedicated camera. Here are a few photos from the iPhone:

The first photo was from Legoland. Pretty promising.

This is a photo of William getting ready to go off the diving board at the end of this morning's swimming class. The photo is noticeably darker than the actual morning was. Other users have noted white balance issues.

Here's William practicing some kicks after Tae Kwon Do class today. There's more shutter delay than I'm used to in dedicated, recent digital cameras.

Here's James. I picked him up at daycare after William's Tae Kwon Do class. There seems also to be some focusing issues. I'm not sure how to control the focus.

Posted: Tue - July 10, 2007 at 09:11 PM          
