Level 2 -- continued

Swimming continues

Today was the last day of the first week of William's third session of swimming classes. (The 2nd and 3rd sessions are M-Th for two weeks.) His swimming skills are improving quite quickly, though I'd prefer it if he'd concentrate more on getting his head above water to breathe, rather than show off how long he can hold his breath.

Unfortunately, William's level 2 group doesn't include any other kids from his daycare. The other three students are much older girls, one of whom swims like a seal -- I'm not sure why they won't promote her to level 3. Despite his younger age, William acquits himself well in the group.

He's also eager to jump off the diving board at any opportunity. The only thing he doesn't like about it any more is having to get out of the water and shiver while waiting in line.

Posted: Thu - July 19, 2007 at 11:40 PM          
