William at My Gym

James, too

William still attends My Gym class on Wednesday, after daycare. He doesn't go to Tae Kwon Do on Wednesdays. It used to be that I'd try to drop James off at home with Hsuan -- who was at Irvine today -- but recently, traffic has been so bad that I don't have time to pass by home. James finds toys and blocks to play with in the waiting area at My Gym, however.

There's a Saturday class after James' My Gym class that William could attend, in principle, but that class skews rather younger than him. The Wednesday class has kids closer to his age and maybe even slightly older, and he seems to enjoy the interaction.


Met D., a friend of mine, or rather the wife of a friend of mine from my grad student days. She's in the biology department at Caltech, so we see each other on occasion. She and P. had a baby girl last year. I haven't seen the baby since shortly after she was born, though.

Posted: Wed - July 25, 2007 at 11:30 PM          
