J and his 3rd grade class had their “bike rodeo” on Good Friday. It was the same thing that W had three years ago, and since W has moved on to a larger bike, J used the same bike W had then. Also, like W then, J has been riding a while, so he handled himself and some of the basic testing well.
I finally got J Minecraft, for his birthday. He’s been asking for it for well over a year, and I’ve always held off on the assumption that it will be one of his many, passing fads. On the other hand, after taxes, I felt like I had to get a relatively inexpensive gift that he’d really like and that he really wanted. So there it is.
Coincidentally, J performed in a video on proper digital citizenship at the boys’ school’s assembly yesterday. It was nice to see that he was one of the kids selected from his grade to do so.
On to work, the developer that we hired to build a detector database for Solar Probe got it up and running in basic form earlier this week; it’s a clone of another database from NuSTAR. Since I’m supposed to be the administrator (or curator) of this database, I began customizing for our needs.