Oak Tree Festival


The church had its annual Oak Tree Festival this weekend, a big fundraiser responsible for a huge chunk of income for the parish each year.  It’s a Glendora institution, practically.  Two years ago, W and I didn’t go because it coincided with Cub Scout camping at Camp Cherry Valley, and last year, neither of the boys nor I went, for the same reason.

It’s a responsibility, also, for religious education families (families with kids in Sunday School) to run a game booth for a couple of hours, to help raise money.  I did it a few years ago, and Hsuan did it for the past couple of years.  She did it again today, and during one of those hours, I brought the boys to Saturday vigil Mass.  We also brought up the gifts.

Anyway, it has been a while since I last attended.  It seems to me that the crowds were larger than my last visit, and there were more rides and more food offerings.  There was also beer for sale, which apparently started sometime during the past couple of years.  That’s a big draw and supposedly a big reason for the increased funds raised.  I didn’t have any beer, but I did have paella, which I don’t recall being offered when I was last there.

W and J enjoyed the rides.  I went on one of those big swing rides (toward the right in the photo above) — a big “ship” swinging through almost 180 degrees and pulling enough g’s to make me feel like I need to pee at each g-maximum.


Things are hopping at work, again, for me.  I have a major milestone to meet in a couple of weeks or so, plus I have a fresh handful of tasks to do.  I think I’m finally getting people to use the database that I pushed through.

© Allan Labrador 2015