Webelos Campout


I went on a Cub Scout Webelos campout this weekend with J.  This is significant for many reasons:

— J’s Cub Scout den has been horribly inactive this past year, to the extent that several parents are considering taking their boys out of scouting, and several parents are upset at our den leadership for the inactivity and for attempting to pile things into one campout after the school year.

— I have been to many Boy Scout campouts and activities with W, but given the inactivity above, I haven’t been on many similar activities solely with J.  Non-scouting activities tend to be with both boys.

— Cub Scouts generally don’t camp out.  Not really camp out.  We’ve had the family campout which is really just on the lawn at the ranch of the host family, and we’ve had Camp Trask.  We did have a campout at Camp Trask in May that I didn’t blog about, and J and I pitched our own tent, rather than use the camp’s tents.  However, dinner and breakfast were catered, there were restrooms with real, flushing toilets, and there were tons of other people there.  (There were also bears snooping in the camp around 4 AM, but I slept through the ruckus.)

— As noted above, the den leaders attempted to cram a lot of Webelos activities into this one campout, which they dubbed “Webelos boot camp.”  The scouts did Readyman, Outdoorsman, and Citizenship activities.  I didn’t lead any of the activities, but I helped in all.

© Allan Labrador 2015