
Sent a query to Sitely customer support.  They requested the sitely-log.txt file.

The problem is now fixed, from there end.  I guess it was a licensing issue?

Published the page(s) to InMotion hosting, and Sitely then said the certificate was out of date.  That's the site's problem, though.  I connected anyway.


WTF, Sparkle is now called Sitely on the Mac App Store.  When did that happen?  It looks like it happened a week ago.

I assume my Mac App Store license hasn't been downgraded in terms of features.

It looks like I have to set shit up again.  Supposedly this allows only one website, but it's acting like I'm trying to publish a second.

Tried Sitely > Settings ... > Remove caches.  No Go on Publish.


I guess I need to return to this blog.

Okay.  James is in college, and William is finishing his senior year.

I went to Nagoya last summer for the 2023 ICRC, and in the few days I was there, my weight ballooned to well over 265 pounds.  I had to buy new pants and shirts.

My family physician wanted to put me on injectable weight loss drugs, but it took forever to get permission from the health insurance company.  I decided to start working with a physical trainer and a nutritionist.  I've since lost over 15 pounds, so that's working without the drugs.

In February, I had a bad bike accident.  No bones were broken, luckily, but I landed very hard on my left arm, mostly the elbow, and by the time I got home, the soft tissues were swollen and agonizing.  I went to urgent care and got x-rays (no broken bones), and they put me in a splint and sling.  After a couple of days, they were removed, but my arm was still in pretty bad shape.  I decided to start re-visiting my physical therapist at short intervals to get it worked on and speed the healing and recovery.  (I had previously worked with her on a left knee injury and right shoulder-cuff injury.)


After many years, and after cutting it close on the deadline for completion, James finally made it to Eagle Scout.  (At 18, James becomes ineligible to become an Eagle Scout, but the deadline was met when he turned in his final Eagle binder before his birthday.  Days before.)


James and I attended Kihaawk at Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation (HESR) this past weekend.  Unlike Induction weekend a few weeks back, which was at Camp Bighorn at HESR, Kihaawk was held at Camp Pollock at HESR.  It's the main camp, and it has nicer facilities (i.e. cabins) for Cub Scouts and their families.  It's not that the cabins used by OA adult leaders and youth staff at Bighorn are bad, but the cabins at Pollock are definitely nicer and accessible by road.

Because the Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) leadership would be elected at Kihaawk -- a fellowship and training event in addition to selection of leadership and Vigil -- I tried hard to encourage Oglala Lakota (OG -- the Chapter I advise) members to register and attend, and we got only 9 members to register and attend.  This was crucial, because lodge leadership is selected by the chapters voting in blocks, with the number of votes being the number of chapter members present up to a maximum of 10 votes.  So, because we got only 9, I was worried we'd be short.

It turns out that we were, by far, the largest chapter in attendance.  This has happened to us several times.  At the last (Spring) Induction, there were 13 candidates for induction, 12 of which were ours.  At the Winter Induction, we had only 1 candidate, but we had 9 staff or Elangomats.  At the Fall Induction, we had 10 Ordeal candidates and 5 Brotherhood candidates, again the largest number of participants of any chapter.  Plus, some of our current Brotherhood and Vigil members were also attending as staff.

It has gotten to the point that Zack Becker said that, if he meets someone at an OA event that he doesn't know, he just assumes that person is Oglala Lakota.

To be honest, I feel pretty good about that.  I think it reflects well on my years as Chapter Adviser to Oglala Lakota as well as on the team of scouts -- particularly my Core Group -- who have worked so hard for so many years and who deserve all the accolades that the OA can bestow.

Anyway, with OG dominating the LEC leadership vote, and with some enforced abstentions that were a strategic mistake by Lodge Chief Bradley... well, Bradley was ousted as Lodge Chief in favor of Stephen.  So, next year, the Lodge gets a new Lodge Chief.

But we'll adjust.


I forgot to mention:  At Induction last month, I was finally given the Founders Award medal that Mike Cavalero had ordered some time ago.  I was told there's also a special ribbon that was ordered, so maybe it'll arrive next year.


On another note, I'm really beginning to like Sparkle as a replacement for iWeb and Sandvox, and it's much better than Rapidweaver and Everweb, neither of which is true WYSIWYG.  Rapidweaver 8 is now being replaced by something called Rapidweaver Classic, but since it's not obvious that it has a WYSIWYG blog editor, I think I'll skip it.

I need to work on the home page.