I intended a few weeks ago to write up some of what we did over the summer, but I don’t have the time to do full write-ups. Instead, I’ll link to some photos on Flickr.
W attended the National Scout Jamboree 2017 from July 9 to July 29. The first half of the trip was spent touring historic sites on the East Coast, and the second half of the trip was spent at the actual camp at Jamboree, where he served as Senior Patrol Leader. Meanwhile, J spent the last full week of July at Boy Scout camp at Camp Cherry Valley. I don’t have photos of their outings, but I did take some photos during their return.
Meanwhile, I spent July 10 to July 21 (including travel time) in Busan, South Korea, at the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference, where I presented results on cosmic ray Fe spectra as well as solar energetic particle ionic charge states.
After we all returned from our trips, we then spent a family vacation at the Atlantis Resort in Nassau.